Artwork 1:
In this collection of artworks, I aimed to express the malleability of time through human experiences, shown in the subject matter of my grandparents’ memories. In this collection, the use of specific memories described by my grandparents communicates how time is easily manipulated through their memories as they recall what it was like when they were experiencing their favourite memories. This, combined with the very impressionistic art style that I employed with the medium of ink on rice paper, highlights how time can also impact memories by blurring them, making them ambiguous, or even rendering them as abstract feelings.
Artwork 2:
The helpless feelings as people age originally inspired this piece, where memories of our past selves serve as reminders of the times we once had. I attempted to highlight the relationship between time and people, especially their memories and perceptions of themselves. Inspired by British artist Payam Beint, I felt that the medium of oil pastel on paper is able to capture the heavy and solid feelings of some memories, but also the more delicate and sensitive feelings of forgetting and losing memories and experiences.